There are several credit card companies who work with Pay Pal and allow you to transfer money between accounts using a PayPal account. This is because in order to upgrade your weapons and level up your characters you will need to make use of real money.There are a few alternatives to PayPal however.

It is also recommended that you carry a few hundred dollars in your account. If you have invested a lot of time into playing this great game and have been able to build up your characters to the level cap, then it would be safe to assume that you have some cash in your account.So when you play the game for the first time, you should try to buy as much money as you can from the start so that you can afford better equipment and make sure that you get better weapons for your characters. Use PayPal To Buy Fortnite Mac Online And Save MoneyMost people who have been online playing the popular game of Fortnite for a few days will know that the best strategy is to always have two levels of weapons on each character, and this rule is true in the new iOS game, Fortnite Mac.